Housing Matters 27 September

There are two invitations for you in this Housing Matters update! Save the date for our AGM, find out more about Uniting SA's Awakening Compassion conference and see the update to the Federal Government's worsening rental crisis inquiry.

Housing Matters 22 December

In our final edition of Housing Matters for 2022 we are encouraging you to support the call for a human rights act in South Australia with the Rights Resource Network, reminding rental propety owners about Homes4Good and wishing you happy holidays!

Residential Tenancies Act Review

The Residential Tenancies Act is now under review in South Australia. We are encouraging South Australians to get involved through sharing the Shelter SA submission to assist people and organisations to participate in the consultation, write submissions and take the online survey. All the details about the discussion paper, making a submission and locating the

Shelter SA Election Platform

Shelter SA is employing the same method we successfully applied prior to the 2018 South Australian election to seek commitments from our political parties and independents prior to the 2022 election. We have developed an Election Platform containing funding and policy requests with the objectives of improving housing outcomes and affordability for people living on

Moving On 2021

The Shelter Moving On report is launched today! The first ever report shines a light on the experiences of private rental tenants, landlords and property managers across Australia to create a picture of how tenancies end in the private rental market and what changes are needed to make renting fairer. There is no available data set